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Class Structure
Each class will address our posture
Warm up,
Main cardio work
Barre/chair work
Finishing on the floor on mats
We will be challenging our core and having a lovely stretch.
Above all it is really good fun!

HEADLEY CHURCH CENTRE: Next term - 4th Feb - 25th Feb
HEADLEY VILLAGE HALL: Next term - 31st Jan - 21st Feb (4 week term £32 or £10 Pay as you go)
What Should I Wear?
Dress comfortably - Nothing too baggy OR too tight. Regarding shoes: Ideally, little Ballet/yoga shoes would be best (not blocks) basically anything that allows you to move without slipping, trainers would do but if you intend to join up for a term ballet pumps would be recommended.'
You will get warm so make sure you bring water.
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